For those of you who didn’t know, 1st - 7th August is World Breastfeeding Week as promoted by the WHO and UNICEF. It is celebrated, or probably more correctly stated, promoted, across more than 170 nations each year and has been for the past 20 years. In fact this is the 20th year since the […]
Proposed change in abortion law - Ukraine
One of the most notable achievements of European society (for better or for worse depending upon your point of view) has been the separation of church from State during the evolution of the continent, and the resulting secular State. For most European citizens, the Church is the Church and the State is the State and […]
Human Trafficking
Today I was going to write about why reform in Ukraine is so slow and the bottom-up support that is missing. That will have to wait until I get around to it. Currently I am researching serious and organised crime for a document that will be published elsewhere in cyberspace in the months ahead. Certainly […]
Happy Woman’s Day (and a perception correction)
Firstly, and especially for my Ukrainian and Russian female readers, but also for any other female readers, I wish you all a very special Woman’s Day. I hope you are pampered to within an inch of your lives and placed firmly on the pedestals your deserve if only for the day. As many men will […]
Ukraine’s next first lady of politics?
As is always the case in politics, the demise or difficult circumstances of a fellow politician, from your own party or another, presents itself as an opportunity for those of such a mindset. Amongst Ms Tymoshenko’s party, prior to her incarceration, was a lady called Natalia Korolevska. A stalwart Tymoshenko advocate as you would expect […]